Voice of the Rivers (VOR) is an expedition-based program focused on the interdisciplinary study of a river from its source to its end. Student team members paddle the river and earn six hours of college credit while taking two academic courses and interacting with a variety of leaders and program managers that support the river, media organizations and conservation groups. This summer Brevard College is once again sponsoring the Voice of the Rivers program. From May 15th-June 2nd thirteen Brevard College students and two faculty members will follow the Rappahannock River from the Blue Ridge Mountains near Front Royal, Virginia to the Chesapeake Bay at Deltaville, Virginia. The VOR Team will travel approximately 184 miles by foot, canoe and sea-kayak with primitive camping each night. VOR students—whose majors include Art, Religious Studies, Environmental Science, Exercise Science, Psychology, Business and Organizational Leadership and Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education—will post daily journal entries, photos and videos of their travels and experiences online using Facebook, blogs and the Brevard College Web site. Expedition faculty leaders are Dr. John Buford and Dr. Resa Chandler.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 16 - by Christina

This morning we woke up early, as in 3:00 A.M., so we could be on the river by 4.  The stars were incredible!  When we got on the water everyone turned off their headlights.  We began paddling then realized we should have a way of making sure everyone was accounted for.  It was a good thing we did because we almost lost Liza.   She was distracted by the stars and began paddling in the wrong direction.  Once we were reunited with Liza, we began our 26 mile paddle.  Due to the lack of light the group managed to run into the marsh multiple times before sunrise.  I found it to be one of the best sunrises I have seen in a long time. Our first stop for the day was in Tappahannock VA where we stopped for our second breakfast. As a group we made multiple trips to the 7-11 for snacks and drinks.  After hanging out for a while and pretending to be homeless people we hit the river again.  We had to begin this leg by crossing the channel (meaning we had to cross the river and avoid boats (kind of like a game of frogger)) Well during this time 11-04 paddled together and thought that in the middle of the channel would be a good place to stop and take pictures! (We strive to make good life choices.) Around 12:00 or 1:00 we stopped for lunch and a group swim.  By this time everyone was dying from the heat and sun exposure, so the swim was quite refreshing. During our swim we played games that included screaming under water and throwing each other.  We also had time to talk about the Low country boil we are eating to night and Audrey got very excited and yelled in a strange voice, “I LOVE LOW COUNTRY BOIL.” The funny thing about this is she just leaned what it was yesterday! After lunch we finished our paddle.  When we got into camp we were all tired and hot lucky for us we have amazing interns that had Ice cold water and fresh fruit salad waiting for us. To make every thing better there was a shower that we all got in to have to cold water cool us down.  At this point we are waiting for the Low country boil to be ready. But the prepping for it was fun we all got massages and we got to shuck corn and ate some raw. It was good so we are excited for food tonight! Tomorrow will be an easier day, but I am ready for it!  
You will hear from us again tomorrow!
Christina J

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